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About us

At ExpandIT, we save you time and money by making your operations more efficient.

About Us

ExpandIT was founded in 1998 and has more than 40 employees in Europe and North America. ExpandIT has developed a series of program components with open program code that can be adapted to the individual company or industry. The software creates coherent processes from the administrative systems through the company's own employees to customers and back to the company, and can therefore play a crucial role in a value-creating, digital transformation.


ExpandIT cooperates with more than one hundred ERP partners worldwide and provides digital tools for existing customer supplier relationships. Customers can therefore build on already accumulated knowledge, on top of existing solutions. Thus, they can quickly start automating and thus financing the digital conversion.

For information about shareholders, financials or investment opportunities, please contact chairman of the board, Steen Rosenfalck, MillerRosenfalck, London, UK. 

ExpandIT Demo Shop

This site is a demonstration of ExpandIT Internet Shop. ExpandIT Internet Shop is closely integrated with most financial backend systems, so product and customer information can be maintained in your existing business management system. ExpandIT Internet Shop is easy to use and requires a minimum of effort to maintain.



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