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The Conversation Guide for Individuals & Families


Although the Five Wishes advance directive provides clear guidance to help you discuss your wishes in advance of a serious illness, many people find it challenging to bring up the conversation with their family members, loved ones, and their doctor.

The Conversation Guide for Individuals and Families helps you introduce and navigate advance care planning discussions with your loved ones, learn how to document your choices, and what to do after you’ve had the conversation. A companion to the Five Wishes advance directive document, the Conversation Guide includes detailed information on completing each section of Five Wishes, recommendations about how to discuss it with your doctor, and answers to the most frequently asked questions about having these important conversations using Five Wishes. It even includes suggested words and phrases you can use to start these conversations.

The Conversation Guide for Individuals and Families covers:
• Getting the Conversation Started
• Talking about Your Wishes
• Next Steps – what to do after you have completed Five Wishes
• Talking with your Doctor about Five Wishes
• Answers to Questions about Five Wishes

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